Epigenetics refers to potentially heritable, experience-dependent molecular alterations to regulation of genetic function, or to numerous proteins or transcriptional regulators that alter the expression of genes, without altering the underlying DNA code itself – in other words, “nuclear inheritance which is not based on differences in DNA sequence"(1).
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Figure 1: (a) Structure of eukaryotic chromatin. (b) Known post-translational modifications. From Sun (2013). |
Since the genome contains a massive amount of genetic information which must be condensed into a small space, nuclear DNA is found bound to small, basic, lysine-rich proteins called histones which serve to package the DNA into tightly compact units called nucleosomes. The histone octamer consists of two of each of the four core histone proteins H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, as well as H1 linker histones. Each of these have protruding N-termini tails which are subject to various post-translational modifications such as acetylation, methylation and phosphorylation. These modifications recruit various proteins, including histone modifiers, transcription complexes etc., which alter the chromatin, thereby dynamically altering its function(2).
Furthermore, the offspring of rats which exhibit high levels of licking/grooming (LG) show significantly less anxiety/depression-like symptoms than those from mothers which exhibit low levels of LG behaviour(13), and are less reactive to stress in later life(14). Analysis of neuroendocrine levels of the offspring of low LG rats vs. high LG rats reveals distinct differences in HPA axis function and glucocorticoid mRNA expression(15). Additionally, persistent differences in DNA methylation at certain regions of the genome are observed between low LG and high LG rats throughout later life(14), and CUS mice have been shown to have increased activity of the histone deacetylase HDAC2(16). Moreover, female rodents raised by less nurturing mothers in turn show less nurturing behaviour towards their own offspring, as well as higher anxiety levels(17) – a phenomenon also seen in humans.
However, not all mice exhibit the same vulnerability to such stress-induced epigenetic changes. About a third of mice display a resilience to developing depression-like behaviours after exposure to the same stressors, and these mice show differences in levels of specific epigenetic changes – including DNA methylation and histone acetylation/methylation – in specific brain regions, particularly those involved in reward pathways(11). By blocking specific epigenetic modifications, these mouse models can be used to effectively study the importance of these modifications in the development of stress-induced pathologies, with the aim of developing more effective treatments for psychiatric diseases such as depression.
Depression is the result of a disorder of many different circuits within the brain, and as such shows a high level of heterogeneity. Many epigenetic changes have been identified in animal models which lead to the expression of depression-like behaviours in rodents, or resilience to the development of such behaviours. There is increasing evidence that epigenetic changes are also important in the pathogenesis of depression in humans, with similar mechanisms being identified in post-mortem brain samples of depressed humans(2). Depression is known to be heritable – genetics has been estimated to account for ~40% of the risk(18). This is, however, considerably lower than the heritability of other psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia(2), which combined with the high discordance rate between monozygotic twins (50%)(19), suggests that other factors – such as epigenetics – are involved. In fact, monozygotic twins show significantly increased differences in levels of DNA methylation and histone acetylation as they grow older(19). Moreover, it has been suggested that epigenetic changes may be passed down to the offspring of affected individuals, causing changes in HPA axis function, vasopressin and serotonergic systems and increasing their vulnerability to depression(9,20). Mice subjected to unpredictable maternal separation (MS) who showed increased depression-like symptoms indicated by increased time spent floating in the forced swim test (a measure of helplessness) showed significant improvement when administered antidepressant desipramine vs. saline, as expected. However, interestingly, the depression-like symptoms were also observed in the offspring of MS mice who were reared normally, as well as third-generation mice(12) – suggesting epigenetic changes, to some extent, may be heritable.
Changes in expression of transcription factors have also been implicated. ΔFosB, which persists for long periods of times once expressed, can act as both an activator of transcription and a repressor(31). ΔFosB has been shown to be required for the commonly prescribed antidepressant fluoxetine to reverse depression-like behaviours induced by social defeat in mice, similarly to BDNF(32).
As well as DNA/histone modifications, RNA can also be subject to epigenetic changes which can play a role in disease pathology. A recent study using RNA sequencing found a significant down-regulation of the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) Gomafu, which is thought to play a role in anxiety as well as the expression of schizophrenia-related genes(43).
Epigenetic mechanisms are thus increasingly becoming
recognised as important factors in the pathology of many psychiatric diseases
including depression, addiction and schizophrenia. Drugs which target key
enzymes which modify histones/chromatin, such as histone deacetylase inhibitors,
may prove effective in the treatment of depression – an area in which novel
drug targets are lacking.
However, there are some difficulties when studying
epigenetic mechanisms. For example, although depression-like behaviours have
been shown to be transmitted across generations, if in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is used in such mice models – i.e. artificially
impregnating female mice with sperm from socially defeated mice –
susceptibility for depression-like behaviours is not significantly increased in
the offspring(44). It would be interesting to
investigate why this is – perhaps pre-natal environment plays a key role in the
transmission of epigenetic changes induced in the parent mice. More studies
using IVF would help to elucidate this.
Additionally, due to the high diversity
of the human genome, a great number of subjects will need to be studied in
order to obtain accurate data. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) could be
useful. Additionally, epigenetic changes in RNA could be far more important
than hitherto recognised. The use of RNA sequencing, similar to Spadaro et al (43),
to identify the relevance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation
of epigenetic processes relevant in the development of psychiatric disorders
could also pave the way for the development of novel drug targets.
Furthermore, researchers often study epigenetic
modifications by altering the expression, or levels, of certain enzymes such as
HATs, HDACs, or HMTs. However these enzymes are non-specific in that they
affect thousands of genes. Thus, it is vital to establish reliable methods to
target one specific type of modification at a specific gene promoter, in
specific cell types – perhaps combined with GWAS – in order to produce more
useful and reliable data.
A final important factor to consider in mouse models is that
in some cases, the stress imposed on the adult mice may cause them to interact
with their pups differently, which in turn may cause the behavioural changes
seen in the pups – rather than epigenetic mechanisms underlying the behavioural
differences being transmitted genetically. While these behavioural changes may
be epigenetic in nature, it is important to distinguish these from those
inherited directly from the parent.
The importance of epigenetic factors in the pathology of
psychiatric and neurological diseases is only recently being discovered, and continues
to be a key area of study in modern neuroscience research.
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